COVID, flu, RSV rise in California. Is a ‘tripledemic’ coming?

As the respiratory virus season picks up in California, Health officials are urging residents to get vaccinated, aiming to reduce potential strain on the state’s Health care systems. Although the current conditions are not as severe as last autumn’s “tripledemic,” which included COVID-19, flu, and respiratory syncytial virus, the transmittable trio is on the rise….

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You paid $1,000 for an iPhone, but Apple still controls it

For the past decade, repairing an iPhone has been relatively straightforward. Quickly replacing cracked screens and broken cameras was a routine task. However, since 2017, iPhone repairs have become increasingly complicated. New batteries trigger warnings, replacement screens may disable phone settings, and substitute selfie cameras can malfunction. This shift is due to Apple’s software control…

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“Please regulate AI:” Artists push for U.S. copyright reforms but tech industry says not so fast

“Artificial Intelligence Threatens Copyrights of Creative Professions in the U.S.” Matt O’Brien, an AP Technology Writer, reports that country singers, romance novelists, video game artists, and voice actors are urging the U.S. government to take action against the threat that artificial intelligence (AI) poses to their livelihoods. Podcaster’s are among those expressing concern over their…

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