Opinion | Ronna McDaniel and Trump’s Bibles both exhibit signs of decay

The recent controversy at NBC surrounding Ronna McDaniel’s brief stint as a political commentator and Donald Trump’s attempt to sell MAGA-branded Bibles both highlight the ways in which Trump is distorting our nation’s core institutions. While NBC has a history of featuring conservative commentators, the uproar over McDaniel’s hiring arose from her complicity in Trump’s…

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Survey finds that Congressional staffers are growing tired of bombastic language and rhetoric

Congressional aides are feeling the strain of working on Capitol Hill, with many considering leaving their positions due to a toxic work environment. A study conducted by the Congressional Management Foundation revealed that only about one in five senior aides believe that Congress is functioning as it should, and almost half are contemplating resigning due…

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Opinion: Kari Lake and Bernie Moreno, GOP Senate candidates, are unworthy of victory

PHOENIX — Campaign slogans have played a significant role throughout the history of American Politics, from Herbert Hoover’s “a chicken for every pot” in 1928 to Ronald Reagan’s iconic “It’s morning again in America” in 1984. However, the slogan for Republican Kari Lake’s Senate campaign could perhaps be summed up as “Oh, never mind.” In…

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