New digital mental health program created by Binghamton lecturer to help children of divorce

Binghamton Lecturer Develops Digital Mental Health Program for Children of Divorce

Jesse L. Boring, a lecturer in the Psychology Department at Binghamton University, has created a groundbreaking digital mental health program called Children of Divorce – Coping with Divorce (CoD-CoD). Drawing from his personal experience as a child of divorce, Boring recognized the need for accessible resources to support children going through this challenging life transition.

CoD-CoD is a personalized and interactive program designed to help children develop better coping skills as they navigate their parents’ separation. By incorporating interactive learning modules, mini-games, and videos, Boring aims to reach as many young individuals as possible. The program’s goal is to decrease internalizing problems such as symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as externalizing problems like behavioral issues in school.

A key aspect of CoD-CoD’s approach is the use of real, authentic stories to connect with adolescents on a deeper level. Boring believes that traditional, scripted media can feel impersonal and off-putting to young people, which is why he has integrated personal anecdotes and experiences into the program. This includes engaging videos like one featuring Boring’s brother playfully dousing him with water before jumping into a freezing lake, adding an element of Entertainment and relatability.

Recently, CoD-CoD was certified as a Promising Program by Blueprints Programs for Healthy Youth Development, recognizing its evidence-based research and effectiveness in supporting mental health in youth. Boring’s dedication to digital mental health programs extends beyond CoD-CoD, as he is collaborating with Irwin Sandler on a digital version of the Family Bereavement Program for bereaved adolescents.

Looking ahead, Boring envisions a future where digital mental health programs play a significant role in supporting individuals of all ages. He believes that the stigma around digital resources in mental healthcare will diminish, paving the way for widespread adoption and accessibility.

Boring’s ultimate goal is to create a universal coping program for suicide prevention in youth, providing essential skills and support to students across the nation. As he continues to explore the potential of digitizing mental health programs, Boring remains committed to improving the well-being of children facing challenging life circumstances.

In a world where mental health awareness is more crucial than ever, Boring’s innovative approach to supporting children of divorce through digital means represents a significant step forward in promoting mental well-being and resilience in youth.

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